Saturday 3 September 2011

Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine - my Collector's Edition box has arrived

Today the guy from the parcel service brought some awesome stuff: a 40k Drop Pod, my company standard bearer and last but not least my copy of a Playstation 3 "Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine" Collector's Edition.

The Collector's Edition for PS3 comes in a huge cardboard in the look of a book. Within you find a magnetized 1:1 scale purity seal that will stick on metal surfaces.
Next you'll find the original Soundtrack of the game on CD - it has 19 tracks that will from now on run in the background when I paint. To its right the artbook, containing a lot of images from the concept art that was used to create the game.

Some of the concept art is absolutely lovely. I think I might just go ahead and re-create some characters of the game or build some terrain to look like the one depicted in the book.

Last is the game itself in its jewel-case. Below you see a set of collcetor's cards. Those depict the characters and enemies you'll find in the game. It has additional info on the back, like hints about weaknesses etc.

I will have some friends swing by later this day and have a first go with the game. I am soo looking forward to that.

Stay tuned, new painted Red Scorpions will be posted soon, too.

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