It's again been a while since I have posted any updates for my Astartes army. I play Tau since they were released in 3rd edition and have only started to collect a Space Marine army again cause I got bored of my blue-headed xenos. :-)
Anyways, here is the next troops choice of my Red Scorpions army: 2nd Squad under the command of Veteran Sergeant Vries.
Veteran Sergeant Vries, leading his battle-brothers into combat. |
Members of Vries' demi-squad bear a yellow stripe on their boltguns. The Sergeant himself has a power fist and his brothers can rely on an Astartes missile launcher should they have need for heavy fire power. |
Demi-squad Zoran. Lead by the charismatic Veteran-brother Zoran, the second demi-squad engages enemies over great distances, making use of their Boltgun's scopes. They also have an Astartes Mk. VII Plasmagun against better armored foes of the Imperium. |